

Who wants dwarfs when you can play with SHAVED DWARFS!!!

In these days of hobbits and dwarfs challenging dragons I stay with this pack of Halflings that are just ready to fight for the next Chaos Cup in Toni's house.

Let's Go 'Flings!!!




I'm fascinated with the Cornwell's Saxon Chronicles, although I'm not finished first novel nowadays, I Couldn't resist to paint some Plastics Saxons from Gripping Beast devoting a thought to Earl Uhtred and his retainers, even I don't know how he looks with more than twelve years old...



Bolt Action has had a very good effect over me, it is my new favourite game, with the permission of Blood Bowl and Saga.
Well, when I came back to the miniature world last year after a decade without painting or playing, it was because Saga hooked me, and I began to watch and learn all what I could about wargaming nowadays. Once I descarted Games Workshop because their business policy and the amount I had to spend to actualize my armies, I focused in Blood Bowl and Saga, even I was interested in some 15mm games that I don't like them at the end.
Just it was when some guys in the club begun to play one WW2 28mm game and, yes! it look amazing and very easy to collect and play.
I've begun collecting Waffen SS, even initially they weren't my favourites, but for the sake of diversity in the club there was the necessity of players who support the axis. Now I've learnt to appreciate this army, though I'm beginning a USA army....

I have used a Platanenmuster cammo pattern in the winter colour scheme. I've mostly used the Heresy Brush PAINTING WAR (http://www.breakingwar.com/store/index.php?id_category=4&controller=category&id_lang=4) as guide.